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Proposal Essentials Every Guy Should Follow

  1. Plan ahead: Preparation is key, so plan your proposal at least a few months in advance. Choose a special location, create a romantic atmosphere, and think about what you want to say.

  2. Choose the right ring: Pick a ring that matches your partner's style and taste. Consider their favorite metal, gemstone, and setting. Get the ring properly sized and have it cleaned and inspected before the proposal.

  3. Ask for permission: If your partner comes from a traditional background, ask for their parents' blessing before proposing. This shows respect for their family and can also help you build a stronger relationship with them.

  4. Get down on one knee: This is a classic gesture that symbolizes your commitment and respect. Make sure you have a clear view of your partner's face so you can see their reaction.

  5. Personalize the proposal: Make the proposal unique and personal by incorporating meaningful elements that are special to your relationship. This could be a special song, a special place, or a personal message. We can help you with these elements.

6. Don’t overthink it: Keep reminding yourself of what she will love and keep that in mind throughout the planning process.

7. Practice what you'll say: Rehearse what you want to say so you don't get nervous or forget anything important. But don't memorize a script, it's better to speak from the heart.

8. Be confident: Be confident and show your love and commitment to your partner. Remember, this is a moment to celebrate your love and bond, not to be nervous or anxious.

9. Document the moment: Hire a professional photographer or videographer to document the proposal, or ask a friend to discreetly capture the moment. You'll treasure these memories for a lifetime.

10. Celebrate afterwards: After the proposal, celebrate with a special dinner, drinks, or a weekend getaway. This is a moment to cherish and enjoy together.

Remember that a proposal is a once-in-a-lifetime moment so enjoy every second of it.

Good luck,

Caroline x

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